ethno-, ethn- +
(Greek: people, race, tribe, nation; group of people living together; community, family)
The use of herbs (medicinal plants) by other cultures to fight various physical ailments; such as, yellow fever, malaria, heart disease, snake bites, mental illness, high-blood pressure, etc.
A reference to ethnobotany.
An adjective referring to ethnobotany.
An ethnologist who studies relationships between people from various cultures and their plant life.
1. The plant lore and agricultural customs of a people.
2. The study of such lore and customs.
3. The systematic study of the interactions between a culture and the plants in its environment, particularly the group's knowledge about and use of such plants.
4. The study of the way plants are identified, classified, and used by various cultural groups.
5. The study of how human cultures utilize plants and plant products.
2. The study of such lore and customs.
3. The systematic study of the interactions between a culture and the plants in its environment, particularly the group's knowledge about and use of such plants.
4. The study of the way plants are identified, classified, and used by various cultural groups.
5. The study of how human cultures utilize plants and plant products.
Here is much more information about ethnobotany.
The viewpoint that one’s own group is the center of everything.
The tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of one's own ethnic culture.
ethnocentrism, ethnocentricism
1. An exaggerated tendency to consider one's own social or national group as being superior to all others and to judge outsiders by the standards of one's group as if they provided a normative model.
2. The tendency to view other cultures in terms of the values or customs of one's own culture.
3. The practice of regarding traditional, nontechnological cultures as inferior to industrialized Western cultures.
4. In health care, a perspective that supports the worldview of the caretaker, rather than considering the patient's perspective of health and illness.
2. The tendency to view other cultures in terms of the values or customs of one's own culture.
3. The practice of regarding traditional, nontechnological cultures as inferior to industrialized Western cultures.
4. In health care, a perspective that supports the worldview of the caretaker, rather than considering the patient's perspective of health and illness.
The deliberate and systematic destruction of the culture of an ethnic group; especially, within a larger community.
A form of government by a particular racial element of a country; race rule: Ethnocracies consist of particular ethnic groups that have disproportionate amounts of government power.
1. Comparative study of the laws of primitive people.
2. Comparison of laws; especially, of primitive peoples, as a department of anthropology.
2. Comparison of laws; especially, of primitive peoples, as a department of anthropology.
This term is increasingly used to encompass all studies which describe local people's interaction with the natural environment; including a wide variety of subdisciplines; such as, ethnobiology, ethnobotany, ethnoentomology, and ethnozoology. Ethnobotany refers to the study of the interactions between people and plants while ethnozoology applies to the study of the interactions between people and animals (both domestic and wild).
That part of the flora of a region with special reference to an area used by the aborigines.
The origin of an ethnic group.
A descriptive word that refers to ethnogeny.